Professional Development Opportunities

We are happy to share an overview of the professional development opportunities available for NU academic staff in 2022.
They include both in-house initiatives and programmes offered by internationally recognised organisations and are designed for various groups of participants: from staff new to a teaching career, to those engaged in academic leadership.
Should you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us.
The programme is delivered by Epigeum. The subscription is free for NU faculty members. Please contact the Graduate Studies Office ( to access the course.
The programme is delivered by Epigeum. The subscription is free for NU faculty members. Please contact IE Team to access the course. More information here.
This comprehensive programme is delivered by Epigeum. The subscription is free for NU faculty members. Please contact the Graduate Studies Office ( or IE Team ( to access the course. More information here.
Created by Institutional Research and Analytics, the Analytical Talent Network (ATN) aims to foster an analytical and data-driven culture at NU. ATN members meet periodically to share experiences and best practices, and gain data management and analytics skills.
The course is offered by FutureLearn. The subscription is free for NU academic staff (new to a teaching career). Please contact the Graduate Studies Office ( to access the course.
Organiser: IL Team
This short course is delivered by Epigeum. The subscription is free for NU faculty members. Please contact the Academic Integrity Team (Yevgeniya Kim, or IE Team ( to access the course. More information here.
Available upon request, IL Team,
Available upon request, IL Team,