Institutional Research & Analytics

Working Papers

*** Note: Only papers produced under NU affiliation are listed ***

Chiteng Kot, Felly. (2020). Changes in Student Perceptions and Experiences from University Entry to Bachelor Degree Completion

This study is a longitudinal analysis of students’ perceptions and experiences from Entry to Nazarbayev University to graduation. The study uses data from three surveys administered by the Institutional Research and Analytics unit at the point of NU entry (for NU Foundation Year Program students and directly-admitted undergraduate students), at the end of the first year of undergraduate studies, and before graduation. Multiple student cohorts were followed at two or three points in time (depending on how far they were in the program when these surveys were implemented). The study uses Exploratory Factor Analysis and Reliability Analysis to construct composite indicators of students’ perceptions and experiences. It then uses paired-sample t-tests to examine the extent to which students’ perceptions and experiences (with different aspects of their academic and non-academic life) changed over the course of their undergraduate studies. The study also uses Analysis of Variance to examine the extent to which changes in perceptions and experiences differ by key student characteristics.