Meeting with Student Representatives

On February 24, 2023, the Academic Quality Enhancement (AQE) team arranged an information session for student representatives on Academic Misconduct. The session aimed not only to expand their understanding of the Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures, but also to encourage student representatives to prevent academic misconduct by educating their peers about consequences for students’ academic life and informing their classmates about available resources for strengthening an academic integrity culture.
The invited speaker, Aidana Myssayeva (Assistant to the Provost), enlightened student representatives on the procedures for the imposition of Сategory C penalties. It was emphasized that students charged with Category C violations may ask student representatives to act on their behalf during the hearing at the university level.
In this regard, student representatives had an opportunity to roleplay the steps of Category C penalties procedures to get familiar with the process and prepare them for knowledgeable representation of possible student cases.
Please follow us on Instagram at nu_academic_quality to learn more about AQE activities.