Innovative Learning

Reading Club with iLH

We would like to invite you to join our monthly Reading club. Starting from March 10, we will be sharing the name of the book and then meet to discuss and share our thoughts on topics related to teaching and learning.

We are open for new reading suggestions. If you know about a book that all of us should be aware of, just let us know!


Student Voices: We Believe in You

Student Voices: We Believe in You  by Dr. Martha Casazza and Dr. Sharon Silverman.

As retention rates come under increasing scrutiny, addressing student success is a top priority. Educators are continually challenged to meet the needs of students struggling to achieve in higher education. The components of the "Believe in You" model from the Student Voices research study will provide the foundation for best practice. Using the model’s components of self-efficacy, persistence, and emotional awareness, a theory-grounded approach of strategies for student success will be explored. We are surrounded by voices, but how often do we actually stop and listen to the stories they have to tell? Martha E.Casazza and Sharon L. Silverman have been listening to the stories of students for the past five years, and they share how high achievers have overcome obstacles. Throughout the interviews, students told the authors having someone believe in them was key to their success. Find out what else made a difference in their lives by listening closely to Student Voices.



Minds Online: Teaching Effectively with Technology

Minds Online: Teaching Effectively with Technology by Michelle D.Miller is great reading about the application of cognitive principles of blended and online learning to create new learning practices using technology. The author quips you with the knowledge about cognition – its limits and allowances – and offers a model to follow when designing your course activities. We particularly enjoyed the tips for educators, as well as detailed strategies for designing online learning experiences, and keeping course content and materials attended and remembered by students.

How people learn

Our next book suggestion is already a classic piece – How People Learn by the National research council.  This book provides answers to one of the most significant questions in education: what can teachers and schools do with curricula, classroom settings, and teaching methods to help learners learn most effectively? You will find research about the mind, the brain, experience, and education.


Re-imagining teaching in online environments

The latest instalment of the Higher Education Practices Series developed by the Higher Education Research Unit in the Department for Learning and Philosophy at Aalborg University. This book continues the tradition of producing timely syntheses of research on higher education topics of international importance. This booklet delves into research findings specifically on the topics of Rich Environments for Active Learning as a scaffold for e-learning, blended learning and flipped classroom approaches. It includes key theoretical models that help to unpack the complexities of teaching online. In also provides a useful planning tool for teachers looking to develop their practice in blended, flipped and online teaching.