The Accreditation Advisory Committee Established

We are pleased to announce the establishment of the Accreditation Advisory Committee which advises Academic Council on the implementation of the University’s strategy related to institutional accreditation and associated institutional initiatives.
The Committee members:
- Duncan Priestley, General Director of Institutional Effectiveness – Chair;
- Jenifer Lewis, Associate Professor (GSB) – Deputy Chair;
- Felly Chiteng Kot, Head of Institutional Research and Analytics;
- Colin Knox, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs (GSPP);
- Laurence Kinsella, Head of Discipline (CPS);
- Akhan Almagambetov, Associate Professor (SEDS);
- Syed Ali, Vice-Dean for Academic and Student Affairs (NUSOM);
- Manhal Sirat, Associate Professor (SMG);
- Vesselin Paunov, Department Chair for Chemistry (SSH);
- Ali Ait Si Mhamed, Associate Professor (GSE);
- Aresh Dadlani, Assistant Professor, Faculty Senate representative.
If you would like to contribute to the work of the Committee, please contact the members or the support team.