Институционалдық зерттеулер бойынша ай сайынғы жұма фактісі (IR-MFF)
The Institutional Monthly-Friday Fact (IR-MFF) - дәлелдерге негізделген шешім қабылдау мәдениетін, академиялық және/немесе стратегиялық маңызы бар тақырыптар/мәселелер бойынша институционалдық хабардарлықты арттыру мақсатында шығарылатын ай сайынғы басылым.
IR-MFF - НУ ИЗТ жүргізген зерттеу және талдау жобаларының сауалнама деректерін және/немесе институционалдық жазбаларын пайдалана отырып жазылған, 300 сөзден аспайтын түйіндеме. IR-MFF әдетте әр айдың соңғы жұмасында (тамыз-қараша және қаңтар-сәуір) жарияланады.
Біз Университеттің қоғамдық мүшелерін ай сайынғы мәселені департамент, мектеп, комитет/кеңес немесе тіпті студенттер арасында курс деңгейінде талқылауға, тәжірибелері мен ұсыныстармен бөлісуге шақырамыз.
2023-2024 академ. жыл басылымдары
2021-2022 академ. жыл басылымдары
- IR-MFF, # 03-2022: Indirect evidence of students’ achievement of learning outcomes: A longitudinal approach
- IR-MFF, # 02-2022: Indirect evidence of undergraduate students’ achievement of learning outcomes
- IR-MFF, Issue 11-2021: NU Undergraduate and Graduate Degree Completion and Time to Degree
- IR MFF #10-2021: What can we learn from spring 2021 undergraduate and graduate student surveys?
- IR MFF #09-2021: Are undergraduate students earning lower grades during the COVID period?
- IR MFF #08-2021: Was there a change in undergraduate students’ experience with remote learning from Fall 2020 to Spring 2021?
2020-2021 академ. жыл басылымдары
- IR MFF #01-2021: Ten years of NU undergraduate education: Trends in the distribution of course grades.
- IR MFF #11-2020: What can we learn from spring 2020 undergraduate and graduate student surveys?
- IR MFF #10-2020: Student motivation: A key predictor of a positive remote learning Experience/perception.
- IR MFF #09-2020: Has the average undergraduate grade changed since the implementation of the common core curriculum?
- IR-MFF #08-2020: NU students’ perceptions of challenges and positive aspects of Spring 2020 online learning.
2019-2020 академ. жыл басылымдары
- IR-MFF #04-2020: Is there a difference in undergraduate grades before and after the implementation of the common core curriculum?
- IR MFF #03-2020: Learning from home: Resources NU students have access to and anticipated challenges.
- IR-MFF #02-2020: Is there a difference in students’ undergraduate skills development by the secondary school attended?
- IR MFF #11-2019: What can we learn from the 2019 NU undergraduate and graduate student surveys?
- IR MFF #10-2019: Is there a change in students’ self-assessment of skills/competencies from the beginning to the end of undergraduate studies?
- IR MFF #09-2019: Is there a difference in first-year students’ experiences/perceptions before and after the implementation of the core curriculum?
- IR-MFF #08-2019: Class Absenteeism in Engineering: What is its Prevalence and how Does it Impact Academic Performance?
2018-2019 академ. жыл басылымдары
2017-2018 академ. жыл басылымдары
- IR-MFF #04-2018: What Do NU Students Do after they Complete their Undergraduate Studies?
- IR-MFF #03-2018: What Student-Faculty Interactions Do NU Students Find Most Positive/Meaningful?
- IR-MFF #01-2018: Does Combining Study and Work Affect NU Undergraduate Students Academic Performance?
- IR-MFF #11-2017: How Satisfied are Graduating Students with their NU Experience?
- IR-MFF #10-2017: Have Undergraduate Course Grades Increased Over Time?
- IR-MFF #09-2017: Why Do Students Choose NU?
- IR-MFF #08-2017: Do Students who Devote less Time to Academic Activities Earn Lower Grades?
2016-2017 академ. жыл басылымдары
- IR-MFF #04-2017: The Academic Performance of Directly-Admitted Students
- IR-MFF #02-2017: How Much Time do Undergraduate Students Devote to Academic Activities?
- IR-MFF #11-2016: Variations in Grade Distribution in Large Multi-Section Courses
- IR-MFF #10-2016: Class Absenteeism among NU Undergraduate Students: Prevalence and Reason
- IR-MFF #09-2016: Student Perceptions of NU Graduate Attributes: Graduating and Entering Students Compared
- IR-MFF #08-2016: Undergraduate Academic Performance: Student Expectations vs. Reality